There is too much I want to say on this topic. One article is not enough to cover what could be a lifelong passion in experiencing and discussing the energies of bliss, ecstasy, grace, and above.
To call this a journey is not the right word either—I never made it a point to aim for such a destination nor did I even remember it existed. I simply went about my day and then one day, voilà, bliss.
To me, bliss is not a feeling like one would assume it is. Some people may think bliss is an intensified version of love or joy. Bliss is actually not emotional. It is a state of being. You aren’t feeling blissful. You are in bliss.
According to yogic teachings, bliss is a sheath that resides on the fifth most outer layer of your energy system. This explains why bliss isn’t an intensification of love or joy. It energetically resides on its own dimension.
The first time I experienced bliss was in 2016. The exact moment is still clear to me. That year I took myself into a journey of transforming into beauty and a being of sensuality. I was slithering around in the sheets in my bed, very present to the feeling of how the fabric was interacting with my skin. Somehow, I slipped into bliss. For those minutes, it felt like nothing in the world mattered except for the way I was feeling. I lost touch with all my problems, purely existing from sensuality. In a word, I was in heaven.
Throughout the years I kept remembering that feeling of being lost within the depths of my own existence. I didn’t know that was bliss nor did I know how to recreate it. Maybe it was like a signpost, or maybe it wasn’t. But this year of 2023 is when I finally slipped into bliss—for good.
Although it was an accident, I remember how it happened, too. I was trying to accomplish something else. My goal was to feel safe being in my body. It led me to healing a belief I picked up during a past life in Atlantis. The belief was, I can never relax because if I do, something bad might happen. I don’t actually remember the belief, and that is one of the huge indicators that something has been healed—the memory of that fear is long gone, so gone you can scarcely remember.
The next thing I knew, I fell into a state of je ne sais quoi—except it felt so damn good. The happiness I felt was beyond happy. It was being totally A–OK with the universe as it is. Not a thing mattered nor bothered.
Prior to entering bliss, I often used a term a lot of being ‘too happy to care.’ Little did I know, this was the state of bliss.
What I will say about bliss is that if you make it into a goal or a destination, you will not get here because the desire to achieve negates bliss itself. All we can do is continually clean up our energy system from thoughts, fears, beliefs, memories, and accumulations. Once we have sufficiently done that, all that’s left is who you are. Bliss.
For a lot of people, they can hang out in bliss for the rest of their lives. Being in bliss feels like you are on vacation 24/7. It is absolutely not a bad way to live. Most people will not reach here in this lifetime due to a lack of desire or a lack of healing their energy system. As much as we aggrandize things like love, joy, and bliss, what it all comes down to is chemical production in the brain. If we live in such a way that inhibits the production of these chemicals, then we will never know what it feels like to experience these different dimensions of existence.
After a very short term of being in the state of bliss, I proceeded to the next stage of this energy adventure: ecstasy. I will talk about that next.